Archives Web articles

LIFE TTGG Project 

Since 2015, oriGIn has been dealing with the topic of sustainability, looking at its economic, environmental and social components. With a growing world population, and its implications in terms of quantity and quality of available food, use of water and…

oriGIn Worldwide GIs Compilation

Over the years, GIs have gained commercial and economic relevance around the world, benefiting both producers and consumers. GIs have proven to be a value-added marketing differentiator as well as an indicator of geographical origin and quality. Although the vast…

01/02/2019 – The JURI Committee of the European Parliament takes into account oriGIn’s concerns with respect to the proposed modalities for the EU to join the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement

In 2018, the European Commission (EC) tabled a proposal for the EU accession to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications. It is currently discussed by the Member States and the European Parliament (Committee…

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