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oriGIn Alerts 03 May 2018: #Japan #Singapore #EU #Mexico

 {autotoc option1=value1|option2=value2|…|optionN=valueN} #Japan #Singapore #EU: Trade agreements covering GIs toward conclusion and ratification On 18 April, The Commission presented to the Council the outcome of negotiations for the Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan and the Trade and Investment agreements with Singapore…

oriGIn Alerts 12 April 2018: #Japan #Mercosur #UE

 {autotoc option1=value1|option2=value2|…|optionN=valueN} #Japan: Online platform for Japanese agricultural GIs The Act on the Protection of the Names of Specific Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products and Foodstuffs Act (the GIs Act) entered into force in Japan in June 2015.  In April…

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