Archives Web articles

01/02/2019 – USMCA: “Bourbon whiskey” and “Tennessee whiskey” in favor to end retaliatory tariffs and approve the free trade agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the USA

The Distilled Spirits Council is the Trade Association representing the leading producers and marketers of distilled spirits in the US. Among the products represented by the Council, “Bourbon whiskey” and “Tennessee whiskey” can be considered GIs, protected in the US…

14/12/2018 – Three GIs recently recognized in France under Law 2014-344 (2014): “Grenat de Perpignan” , “Tapisserie d’Aubusson”, “tapis d’Aubusson”

Between the end of November and the beginning of December, three non-agricultural GIs were granted in France under Law 2014-344 (17 March 2014): “Grenat de Perpignan” (jeweler), “Tapisserie d’Aubusson” (tapestry) and “tapis d’Aubusson” (carpets).  More information are available (in French): “grenat…

oriGIn Alerts 14 November 2018: Register for the ITC/oriGIn online course “Adding Value to Origin Products Through Geographical Indications”

 {autotoc option1=value1|option2=value2|…|optionN=valueN}  Register for the ITC/oriGIn online course “Adding Value to Origin Products Through Geographical Indications” The 6th edition of the online course “Adding Value to Origin Products Through Geographical Indications (GIs)” will start on Monday 19 November. The course…

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