oriGIn EU is the European branch of the Geographical Indications (GIs) global alliance based in Brussels. Established in 2018, oriGIn EU brings together a large community of committed GI stakeholders, including national organisations and individual producers’ groups from five European countries.
oriGIn EU is much more than just an alliance of economic players. We are a passionate and dedicated community, united by our love for Europe’s rich cultural and gastronomic heritage. Together, we work every day to raise the profile of European GIs and preserve their heritage for future generations.
Our goals
- Monitor and analyse the European legislation
- Promote the GI concept throughout the EU
- Campaign for better GI protection and promotion
Our policy areas
- the EU Quality Policy and CAP post 2020
- the Green Deal and its Farm to Fork strategy (labelling, promotion, policy sustainability)
- the EU craft and Industrial GIs
- the EU bilateral and plurilateral trade agreements covering GIs
Our members
Our community includes all the EU members of oriGIn.
Our direct members are the following EU GI producers’ groups (Consorzi, Consejos Reguladores, Federations, Interprofessions, ODG, etc.) or associations of GI groups in the food sector:
- Origen Espana
- oriGIn France
- oriGIn Italia
- Qualifica/oriGIn Portugal
- Conseil National des Appellations d’Origine Laitière (Cnaol)
- Consejo Regulador de Jijona y Turron de Alicante
- Consejo Regulador de la DOP Idiazabal
- Consorzio Aceto Balsamico di Modena
- Consorzio di tutela del fromaggio Asiago
- Istituto salumi italiani tutelati
- Bayerischer brauerbund e.V
You want more information about us or you want to join
Please contact oriGIn EU Representative, Ms. Amandine Legros at: eu.office@origin-gi.com
Our Executive Committee
Mr. Charles Deparis (France)
Producer of raw Milk for Pont-L'Evêque and Camembert De Normandie.
Members of the Board
Mr. Sébastien Breton (France)
General Delegate, Conseil National des Appellations d’Origine Laitières (CNAOL)
Mr. Flavio Innocenzi (Italy)
Director, Consorzio di tutela del formaggio Asiago
Mr. Federico Moncunill Gallo (Spain)
Executive Committee, Origen España, Asociación Española de denominaciones de origen
Mr. Robert Scholz (Germany)
Lawyer & Manager, Bavaria Brewers Association (Bayerischer Brauerbund)
Ms. Ana Soeiro (Portugal)
Director, Qualifica/oriGIn Portugal
Latest news
18/10/2024- oriGIn EU joined the Open Trade Coalition. The Coalition is a group of 43 associations, all of them united by the shared idea that trade openness is a key driver to keep the EU competitive, prosperous, and resilient in the face of global challenges. According to the Coalition, trade openness must therefore become a top priority and veritable leitmotiv for the EU over the next five years.
The coalition’s Declaration features a number of specific policy recommendations, including the speedy adoption and implementation of all concluded trade agreements, the swift completion of ongoing trade negotiations, a proactive market access agenda to lower trade barriers, a fair and predictable trade environment supported by multilateralism, and a more robust trade diplomacy.