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End of the Year Wishes & 2017 Recommendations
At the end of another successful year, in thanking you for your continuous support to oriGIn, we would like invite you to follow some important recommendations for 2017:
- Talk about oriGIn to other GI groups (in your country and/or from your sector), so they will be interested to join oriGIn
- If you participate in a conference/workshop/seminar on GIs, please mention oriGIn (here is a standard presentation)
- Mention that you are a member of oriGIn in your association webpage (here is oriGIn’s logo)
- Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Youtube and share some of the information we publish #geographicalindications
Many of you do this already (we thank you for that!), we would like all of you to do the same, so our global network can continue to grow and consolidate!
We wish you and your families happy holidays!