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#GeneralAssembly 2019: Call for candidatures
It is time to plan our next General Assembly.
Members interested in hosting the 2019 oriGIn General Assembly are invited to send their candidature to ida@origin-gi.com, by 30 April 2018. Candidatures must contain the following information:
- The proposed month/dates. Please take into account the structure followed by our General Assemblies: half a day of statutory assembly, 1-day conference & 1-day field visit (3 days in total);
- The preliminary budget, including the costs that will be covered by the host;
- The description of the field visit (and of any other proposed activity, aimed at giving participants the chance to discover the local culture).
Candidatures will be reviewed by the Executive Committee based on their financial sustainability and geographical rotation. The final decision will be announced in June 2018.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
The oriGIn team