- The oriGIn worldwide GIs compilation represents an attempt to identify the GIs recognized in each and every jurisdiction around the world. Following the GIs definition of art. 21.1 of the WTO TRIPs Agreement, oriGIn adopted a broad approach including in its scope of research the GIs protected under independent systems (often referred to as “sui generis”) as well as trademarks, legislative acts, judicial decisions as well as standards and labeling rules.
- As a result, the list of GIs therein contained cannot be considered exhaustive. Efforts and future research will have to be devoted in particular to those countries which have not adopted “sui generis” systems. As GIs lists are not always available in those countries, our analysis relied there on less objective criteria.
- This compilation has exclusively informative purposes. It does not have or is not intended to have in the future any legal effect with respect to the international obligations States have with respect to the protection of national and/or foreign GIs.
- The categories and subcategories of products used by oriGIn to classify the identified GIs have a mere informative purpose and do not have any legal value.
- The classification of countries in world regions follows the criteria of the United Nations Statistics Division: https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/
- When available in existing websites, such as the European Union DOOR or the Asean GIs Database, we have established a link to such websites to provide product information. Some product information is still missing.
- The logo of oriGIn beside a GI indicates that such GI is a member of oriGIn, either directly or via an umbrella association (e.g. the “Suisse Association of AOP/IGP” or “oriGIn Georgia”).
- With respect to the protection of GIs in third countries, we have looked primarily at the protection provided by bilateral/plurilateral agreements as well as from the WIPO Lisbon Agreement on the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Their International Registration. As the large majority of countries of the international community are part of the WTO (and as a result are bound by the TRIPs Agreement obligations), we have not mentioned those obligations in the compilation. In some cases, for oriGIn Members, we have also mentioned GIs registrations in foreign jurisdictions secured directly by the relevant groups (not exhaustive).
- To the best of our knowledge, the information contained in the compilation is accurate. However, oriGIn does not assume any responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy and completeness of the information therein contained.