09/03/2020 – European Green Deal, Sustainability: Challenges and opportunities for GIs in the framework of the EU “Farm to Fork” Strategy

thumb eu farming policyAt the end of last year, the new Commission presented the so-called European Green Deal, Europe’s roadmap that should enable citizens and businesses to benefit from a sustainable green transition. In this framework, the Commission also published a Communication to the other EU institutions detailing a comprehensive and ambitious package of measures touching several areas, including food policy.

In the framework of the Communication, it was announced that the “Farm to Fork” Strategy will be launched in spring this year, together with a stakeholder debate, which will pave the way to the formulation of a more sustainable food policy. The “Farm to Fork” Strategy has the objective to:

  1. Strengthen European farmers and fishermen efforts to tackle climate change, protect the environment and preserve biodiversity, through the common agricultural and fisheries policies;
  2. Assure that at least 40% of the common agricultural policy’s overall budget and at least 30% of the Maritime Fisheries Fund for 2021 to 2027 would contribute to climate action; 
  3. Ensure that national strategic plans for agriculture fully reflect the ambition of the Green Deal:
    • leading to the use of sustainable practices (i.e. precision agriculture, organic farming, agro-ecology, agro-forestry) and stricter animal welfare standards;
    • reflecting an increased level of ambition to reduce significantly the use and risk of chemical pesticides, as well as the use of fertilisers and antibiotics.
  4. Contribute to achieving a circular economy by reducing the environmental impact of the food processing and retail sectors;
  5. Combat food fraud, including strengthening enforcement and investigative capacity at EU level;
  6. Stimulate sustainable food consumption and promote affordable healthy food for all:
    • helping consumers choose healthy and sustainable diets and reduce food waste;
    • improving the position of farmers in the value chain.

oriGIn believes the European Green Deal and the “Farm to Fork” Strategy are opportunity to strengthen European GIs systems (existing controls and enforcement mechanisms in particular) as well as to demonstrate that the GIs sector, with its long-term nature, is in a strategic position to respond to the sustainability challenges of our times. To see oriGIn activities in the field of sustainability, please visit the page oriGIn for Sustainability