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Members of oriGIn ​

Members are producers’ groups, such as Consorzi, Consejos Reguladores, Interprofessions, ODG, etc, representing a given GI.​

Collective members of oriGIn

Collective members are associations representing various GI producers’ groups from the same sector or from multiple sectors.

Associate members of oriGIn ​

Associate members are individuals or organizations which share the objectives of oriGIn.

For more information about the benefits for your producers’ group, association, organisation, to be part of the oriGIn worldwide network, and on oriGIn internal rules and procedures, see:

oriGIn online payment system can be used for membership fees up to 560 CHF. For higher amounts, the payment shall have to be made by bank transfer.

To join oriGIn, please fill in the Application Form :

Members and Collective members

Associate members

  • Please fill in this form as complete as possible. Any information provided will be treated confidentially according to oriGIn’s standard practices.
    Technical information
  • Please fill in this form as complete as possible. Any information provided will be treated confidentially according to oriGIn’s standard practices.

    Please note that, according to Article 5 of oriGIn’s Statutes, “associate members of oriGIn are persons or organizations, who are interested professionally or personally to defend the objectives of OriGIn. Associate Members shall have a consultative vote. Constitute a group that benefits from a deliberation vote.”

    [Only for organisations]

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