Bilateral/Plurilateral Agreements
Together with a sound multilateral legal framework for GIs (which must set-up in an transparent way a solid level of protection as a guarantee for businesses and consumers around the world), oriGIn encourages
Together with a sound multilateral legal framework for GIs (which must set-up in an transparent way a solid level of protection as a guarantee for businesses and consumers around the world), oriGIn encourages
From 2008 to 2015, oriGIn successfully campaigned for the revision of the WIPO Lisbon Agreement on the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration, in particular for its modernization and the
oriGIn believes that the ICANN process of attribution of new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) – as well as the system of traditional gTLDs (.com, .int, .org, etc.) and of country code ccTLDs (“.ch”, “.ca”,
While at the WTO, negotiations on GIs have not taken place since 2014, oriGIn remains a strong supporter of GIs in the context of an open and rules-based multilateral trading system. 17/06/2020
oriGIn supports all effective mechanisms (court, out of court, opposition in the context of trademarks’ application, …) to enforce GIs rights. In this context, mechanisms of administrative protection, which make it easier and