About Us

oriGIn, the Organization for an International Geographical Indications Network, is a Swiss-based NGO that represents  some 600 organizations and over two-million GI producers, from some 40 countries.

oriGIn EU

oriGIn EU is the European branch of the Geographical Indications (GIs) global alliance based in Brussels. Established in 2018, oriGIn EU brings together a large community of committed GI stakeholders, including national organisations

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Our Members

Members Golden Members Associate members Members (In alphabetical order) oriGIn Members are groups (Consorzi, Consejos Reguladores, Federations, Interprofessions, ODG, etc.) representing a GI or associations representing several GIs at the national or regional

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oriGIn EU Lab

The oriGIn EU Lab – open to the Organisation’s EU members – has the following objectives: (i) To follow the developments of EU policies on GIs and to support the oriGIn Secretariat in

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oriGIn Lab on Non Agricultural GIs

The objectives of the oriGIn Lab on non agricultural GIs are, on the one hand, (i) to exchange information (publications, new laws, recognitions and registrations, success stories, etc.) on non-agricultural GIs; on the

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oriGIn Lab on Legal Issues

The objectives of the oriGIn Lab on legal issues are (i) to discuss new laws and regulations affecting GIs around the world and help oriGIn to define its position vis-à-vis those; and (ii)

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oriGIn Labs

oriGIn has established ad hoc groups (Labs) to address some key issues/challenges in the field of GIs.  oriGIn EU Lab oriGIn Lab on non agricultural GIs

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What They Say About Us

The Idaho Potato Commission is extremely pleased with its membership in oriGIn. The networking opportunities, personal and professional business relationships we have developed and opportunities to solve complex problems through discussion with other

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Since 2006, within the framework of GI-related projects, oriGIn received contributions from the following institutions: European Commission, DG Internal Market and Services European Commission, DG Trade European Commission, DG Research and Innovation European Commission,

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Our Team

Mr. Massimo Vittori Managing Director Massimo Vittori is the Managing Director of oriGIn, in charge of the Organization’s strategic planning and overall management. Massimo previously worked as legal advisor at the International Trade

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Why oriGIn

Read the four main reasons to be part of oriGIn and join our global network now    Contribute to a More Effective Protection and Enforcement of GIs Geographical Indications (GIs) contribute to preserve the

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Join Us

Members of oriGIn ​ Members are producers’ groups, such as Consorzi, Consejos Reguladores, Interprofessions, ODG, etc, representing a given GI.​ Collective members of oriGIn Collective members are associations representing various GI producers’ groups

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oriGIn presentation

https://youtu.be/IEugZL03fbY The Organization for an International Geographical Indications Network – oriGIn – is a non-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based in Geneva. Established in 2003, oriGIn is today a truly global alliance of Geographical Indications (GIs)

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Why oriGIn

Geographical Indications (GIs) ensure and preserve the quality and reputation of origin products. Read more…

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