Day One, Thursday, June 25
- Key-note address, Mr. Luis Fernando Samper
Topic I: GIs as a Global Phenomenon: Success Stories in Setting-up and Developing GIs
- Jamón de Teruel, Mr. Fernando Guillén Pérez
- Tequila, Mr. Ramón González Figueroa
- Darjeeling Tea, Mr. Kaushik Basu
- Indicación de procedencia del cuero acabado de la región del “Vale do Sinos” – Brasil, Mr. Fernando Henrique Schwanke
- Les Indications Géographiques (IGs) dans les Etats Membres de l’organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle, Mr. Cécé Kpohomou
Topic II: Reconciling the Protection of GIs and Trademarks
- Reconciling the Protection of GIs and Trademark the Point of View of GI Producers, Mr. Stefano Fanti
- Protecting Geographically Distinctive Products in the United States, Mr. Stanton J. Lovenworth
- Réconcilier la protection des indications géographiques et des marques: Le point de vue d’un institut national, Ms. Alexandra Grazioli
- Reconciliando la protección de las indicaciones geográficas y las marcas, Mr. Ignacio de Medrano Caballero
Topic III: International protection of GIs
- The Lisbon Agreement and its Future Development, Mr. Espinosa Octavio
- Geographical Indications in the Doha Development Round, Mr. Devigne Luc Pierre
- Geographic Indications & Certification Marks Is there a meaningful middle ground? And can it be found? Mr. Patrick J. Kole
- Geographical Indications Beyond Doha: Possible “Extension” Scenarios, Mr. Mboi E. Misati
- Geographical Indications Beyond Doha: A Roadmap for a Better International Protection of GIs, Prof. Felix Addor
Day Two, Friday, June 26
Topic IV: Leveraging on your GI: how to use GIs to add value
- Using GIs to Maximize the National Export Potential, Mr. Leo Bertozzi
- GIs and Tourism Opportunities, Ms. Ana Soeiro