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Normes Techniques

14/06/2008 – Letter to Minister R. Stephanes (MAPA of Brazil) on the Proposed standards for “Tequila” notified by Brazil to the WTO Technical Barriers Commitee 14/06/2008 – Letter of oriGIn to HE Mr. C. Hugueney – Ambassador of Brazil –…


06/11/2014 – Réponse à la lettre d’oriGIn addressée à M José Manuel Barroso, Président de la Commission européenne, sur le Système d’étiquetage “traffic light” des denrées alimentaires au Royaume-Uni 15/09/2014 – oriGIn Letter to M José Manuel Barroso, President of EU…


06/11/2014 – Questionnaire on the Commission draft guidance document on the application of Article 14 of Regulation N°178/2002 as regards food contaminated with STEC 14/07/2014 – oriGIn Letter to the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection Draft guidance…

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