PANEL II: GIs IN THE TIME OF SUSTAINABILITY Moderator: Mr. Luis Fernando Samper, Director, 4.0 Brands Speakers: PANEL III: FURTHER IMPROVING GIs SYSTEMS IN THE EU Moderator: Mr. Massimo Vittori, Managing Director, oriGIn Speakers: - Mr. Alan Park, Director, Legal Affairs, Scotch Whisky Association (SWA)
- Mr. Claude Vermot-Desroches, President, Comité Interprofessionnel de Gestion du Comté (CICG)
- Ms. Letizia Cesani, President, Consorzio della Denominazione San Gimignano
- Mr. Manuel Rodriguez Normand, President, Association La Piel de Ubrique (BYPIEL)
Respondents: - Mr. Paolo De Castro, Vice-Chair, Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, European Parliament
- Mr. Francis Fay, Head of Unit B.3. – Geographical Indications, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, EU Commission
- Mr. Óscar Mondéjar, Head of Legal Practice Service, International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department, EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)