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Encuesta ‘GI Trends’ Panel

A partir de 2022, oriGIn monitorea una vez al año las principales tendencias que afectan a las Indicaciones Geográficas (IGs), y su percepción a nivel mundial a través de una encuesta enviada a

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16/06/2023-Press Release: 2023 WIPO Worldwide Symposium on Geographical Indications: As GIs are becoming a matter of public interest, for their potential in terms of local sustainable development and capacity to respond to some of the emerging consumers’ societal demands, rebranding strategies – leveraging from the local specificities of products – represent an opportunity for concerned stakeholders.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Geneva, 16 June 2023. Contact: Ms. Ida Puzone   On June 14 and 15, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) – in cooperation with the National Intellectual Property Center of

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¡Hazte Miembro! oriGIn la Alianza mundial de Indicaciones Geográficas (IGs)

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