12-13/06/2025-#EM2025: Call for presentations for oriGIn 2025 Expert Meeting, to be held in Geneva on 12-13 June

oriGIn 2025 Expert Meeting will take place in Geneva (at the oriGIn’s headquarters, 2 chemin du Pavillon, 1218) on 12 (afternoon) and 13 (morning) June

If you are interested to deliver a presentation on one of the topics listed below, please write to massimo@origin-gi.com by March 31.

i. The implementation of international GI agreements: the objectives are to present the experience of groups and public authorities in ensuring the enforcement of GIs protected in foreign jurisdictions via bilateral and multilateral agreements as well as to identify practical challenges, lessons learnt and success stories.

ii. Technology for GI protection, traceability, enforcement and sustainability: the objective is to explore how innovative technologies can support GI groups in protection, enforcement, traceability, and sustainability efforts, including blockchain, AI-driven monitoring, authentication technologies, dematerialized control management, and digital labeling.

iii. Curative mechanisms for GIs in TLDs: The objectives are to present the current UDRP, the successful examples of ccTLDs recognizing GIs as a valid title to activate curative mechanisms as well as the possibilities of reforming the URRP in the context of the 2026 gTLDs ICANN round.

iv. TMs applications in conflict with GIs: the objectives are to show how such conflicts are dealt with in jurisdictions around the world as well as to assess whether trends can be identified.

v. Craft and industrial GIs, challenges and opportunities: the objective is to analyse practical issues for producers and public authorities (both European and national) in the implementation of the EU Regulation 2023/2411.

The oriGIn Expert Meeting represents a unique learning and networking opportunity for private and public stakeholders interested in the latest developments related to GI protection and enforcement. Have a look at the 2024 edition.

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