10-11/10/2024-oriGIn’s Expert Meeting on the latest developments and challenges related to GI protection and enforcement

The 2024 Expert Meeting took place in our office – 2 chemin du Pavillon, 1218, Le Grand Saconnex – Geneva, on 10-11 October. It has been a unique learning and networking opportunity for GI stakeholders interested in the latest developments and challenges related to protection and enforcement, with an impressive lineup of GI groups,  law firms, organizations and experts attended the Expert Meeting (180 Participants from 33 countries). See HERE the full list.

DOWNLOAD HERE the full program.

DOWNLOAD HERE the speakers’ presentations and the final list of participants.


The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI), the “Association suisse des AOP-IGP”, the “Interprofession du Gruyère”, the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) and the “Asociación Interamericana de la Propriedad Intelectual” (ASIPI) supported the 2024 Expert Meeting. oriGIn thanks all of them for their trust!

Contact person

For any additional information and assistance please contact Ms. Ida Puzone, Operations and Member Relations Manager of oriGIn at events@origin-gi.com  


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