08/07/2024-oriGIn at the 2024 Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO

From 9 to 17 July, oriGIn will attend the 2024 Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO.

It will be an opportunity to continue our campaign in favor of the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement, a modern and flexible international instrument for the protection of Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin in foreign jurisdictions. Its ratification brings about benefits mainly for small producers and small and medium-sized enterprises

Among other initiatives:

  • On 11 July, from 1 to 3 pm, our Director Massimo Vittori will moderate the side event co-sponsored by Cambodia, Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Grenada, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland and Tunisia on “Innovating with Geographical Indications to boost local development. Experience sharing from various Member States”, with presentations from Cambodia, Colombia, South Africa and India. See here the full program. If you are attending the WIPO Assemblies, we cordially invite you to join us there for the light lunch and the discussion. If you wish to follow this side event online, please write to Mr. Christoph Spennemann at Spennemann@ipi.ch and Ms. Charlotte Boulay at Charlotte.Boulay@ipi.ch
  • On 17 July, from 1 to 3 pm, oriGIn – in collaboration with the Latin America and Caribbean Spirits Alliance (ABELAC) – will organize a side-event on sprits GIs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Public and private sector representatives will discuss the benefits of multi-stakeholder collaboration to ensure the protection of IP, counter illicit trade and counterfeiting, and how this can enhance efforts to strengthen local economies and cultures, thereby contributing to sustainable development. See here the full program. If you are attending the WIPO Assemblies, we cordially invite you to join us there for the light lunch and the discussion.      

For more information see here the complete list of side events organized during the 2024 Assemblies of the Members State of WIPO .

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