In the framework of our series of webinars “The oriGIn International GIs agenda” a seventh online event was held on 22 June.
The webinar, organized in cooperation with the “Asociación Interamericana de la Propiedad Intelectual” (ASIPI), tackled three factors for the success of a GI – the existence of a solid group with its governance, the implementation of effective controls to make sure the product’s specification is respected, and the full understanding of sustainability issues – from the point of views of Latin America.
Check here for the full program
Presentations delivered:
– Ms. Maria José Lamus Becerra, Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) of Colombia
– Mr. Ramón González Figueroa, Consejo Regulador del Tequila (CRT)
– Mr. Riccardo Ricci Curbastro, Confederazione Nazionale dei Consorzi volontari per la tutela delle denominazioni di origine (FEDERDOC)
– Mr. Alexis Verdú Iborra, Consejo Regulador IGPs Jijona y Turrón de Alicante
– Mr. Giulio Menato, EU Commission