Last May, the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC), which represents today over 540,000 coffee-growing families, received the Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Standard-Setters Award for its commitment to sustainability, improving coffee farmers’ livelihoods and conserving forests. The Rainforest Alliance is an international NGO standing for the biodiversity and conservation of sustainable livelihoods. See more information about the award .
As mentioned in the oriGIn/FAO Sustainability Strategy for GIs sustainability is crucial for GIs for at least 3 reasons:
– GIs cannot switch production elsewhere (no delocalisation is possible). As a result, more than in other sectors, resources and natural capital should be conserved for the GI to continue to exist and thrive in the medium/long term, so to ensure the economic viability as well.
– GIs are an integral part of the community in a given territory. They have to consider the local society´s aspirations and expectations, as well as interact with local authorities and regulators. The ability of GIs to generate value to local stakeholders is a key factor of their success.
– Over the last few years, to respond to consumers’ and investors’ pressure, the private sector has been developing sustainability requirements for their suppliers, which in many occasions are related to third party certifications or client audits. This trend responds to a society that has become more demanding on companies and brands and expect them to contribute to society at large.