oriGIn Alerts 14 June 2017: #Online #Course #Partnership #ITC: Adding Value to Origin Products Through Geographical Indications (GIs)

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#Online #Course #Partnership #ITC: Adding Value to Origin Products Through Geographical Indications (GIs)

In cooperation with the International Trade Center (ITC), oriGIn has developed the online course “Adding Value to Origin Products Through Geographical Indications (GIs)”.

This course explores the value and benefits in establishing GIs for local products with unique characteristics. It presents the main elements which are involved in GI recognition and introduces participants with the different legal options available to protect GIs. Finally, it touches upon the resources and investments needed to establish a GI, and showcases the roadmap and actions necessary to complete the GI recognition process.

The online course will start on 3 July (and be available for an initial period of 2 weeks). Enrollment is now open @ https://learning.intracen.org/course/info.php?id=234 


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