Following the Statutary Assembly of oriGIn, on 11 November 2015 an international conference on “Geographical Indications in a Fast Changing world” took place in Fortaleza . The conference tackled some of the most relevant issues to GIs at global level, such as sustainability, innovation & branding strategies.
Speakers’ Presentations:
- Key-note speech (1): The Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement and recent developments concerning GIs at the WIPO, Mr. Matthijs Geuze, Head of the International Appellations of Origin Registry, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- Key-note speach (2): SEBRAE’S actions in fostering Brazilian GIs, Dr. Hulda Giesbrecht, Technical Analyst at the Access Unit Innovation and Technology Sebrae/DF
Panel 1: GIs and Protection Strategies
- Brazilian Geographical Indications – State of the art, Prof. Dr. Lúcia Regina Fernandes, General Coordination of Geographical Indications and Registers, National Institute of Industrial Property – INPI/RJ, Brazil
- Trademark applications conflicting with GIs, Mr. Luis Fernando Samper, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, Colombian Coffee Growers Federation
Panel 2: Technologies and Innovation: Opportunities & Challenges for IGs
- The protection of GIs on the web, Mr. Stefano Vaccari, Director, “Ispettorato centrale della tutela della qualità e della repressione frodi dei prodotti agroalimentari”, Italian Ministry of Agriculture (MIPAAF)
- Developing a coherent strategy to protect GIs in Internet top level domain names, Mr. Massimo Vittori, Managing Director, oriGIn
- Technological tools against counterfeiting, Mr. Benoit Heude, MATEC SAS
Round Table: GIs at the Time of Sustainability
– Speakers representing Brazilian GIs:
- Mr Clovis Terra do Santos, Litoral Norte Gaúcho, Rice (Association of North Coast Rice Producers of Rio Grande do Sul)
- Ms Maria Socorro Lima, Costa Negra, Shrimp (Association of Shrimp Farmers of Costa Negra)
- Ms Bruna Alencar, Piauí, Cajuína (Union of Associations and Cooperatives and Cajuína Producers of the State of Piauí – PROCAJUÍNA)
- Mr Andre Larentis, Vale dos Vinhedos, Wine (Association of Fine Wine Producers of Vale dos Vinhedos – APROVALE)
- Franca, Shoes (Association of Franca Shoe Manufacturers)
- Ms Maria Helena Lubke Jeske, Doce de pelotas, cakes (Associação dos Produtores de Doces de Pelotas)
– Speakers representing international GIs:
- Mr. Gustavo Rodriguez Báez, Red de Inversiones y Exportaciones (REDIEX), Ministry of Commerce, Paraguay
- Mr. Qiu Yueming, China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS), China
- Mr. Pierre Marie Théodore Etoa Abena, Office national du cacao et café, Cameroon
- Mr. Sébastien Breton, Conseil National Appellations d’Origine Laitières (CNAOL), France
- Ms. Lucero Villagarcia, Instituto Juntos por el Pisco, Peru