On 28 June, oriGIn and the LIFE TTGG project partners organized the online event “The Environmental decision support system (EDSS): A new tool to support sustainable and efficient PDO/PGI supply chains in Europe, developed by the LIFE TTGG project”.
The event presented the final results of the LIFE TTGG project and the Environmental decision support system (EDSS).The EDSS is a software created to support PDO cheese producers in taking environmental decisions based on the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology. It facilitates the calculation of the environmental footprint of packaged products by applying the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology and identifies concrete measures to reduce energy consumption. As a result, the EDSS software, which can be used by other PDO/PGI beyond the cheese sector, will help producers to optimize their production processes from both an environmental and an economic point of view.
For more information see:
- The program
- The Press release
- Speakers’ Presentations:
- The LIFE programme in support of a circular and sustainable economy, Francesca Ettorre, Project Advisor, European Climate, Infrastructure
and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), EU Commission - LIFE TTGG project, Jacopo Famiglietti, Politecnico di Milano
- Dairy farms and environmental impacts, Federico Froldi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Piacenza
- EDSS software for energy saving and environmental footprint evaluation, Matteo Muscherà, ENERSEM
- How we communicated the LIFE TTGG project, Ilenia Martinotti, Consorzio Tutela Grana Padano