22/07/2021 – An effective way to push the GIs cause internationally

thumb webinarsThe COVID-19 pandemic forced all of us to reinvent our way of working. During the last 16 months, through webinars and online meetings, we kept you informed about the latest trends concerning GIs at the global level and engaged in a fruitful exchange and debate with international institutions.

Since June 2020, we have organized 7 webinars of the series “The oriGIn International GIs Agenda” . Covering topics ranging from the WIPO Geneva Act to the protection against evocations, the systems available in China, IP office practice in trademarks’ applications in conflict with GIs, GIs as a relevant topic for young generations and students and the major challenging for Latin American countries, we have attracted 1.000 participants from some 70 countries. Speakers from our global membership, institutions such as the WIPO, IP offices (the IPI Switzerland, the CNIPA-China, INDECOPI-Peru, the EUIPO), the European Commission, the European Parliament, the SIC-Colombia, international law firms as well as partners (the University of Alicante and ASIPI), contributed to the success of these virtual events. The presentations delivered during each webinar are available on our website.

Parallel to that, in cooperation with the FAO, we have organized another series of 7 webinars on “Contributing to SDGs through quality linked to geographical origin” ,  with the involvement of international partners: Equalitas, IPI Switzerland, the European Forest Institute (EFI), the project Life TTGG – the Though Get Going, oriGIn France and the WIPO. The series gathered another 1.000 participants from 90 countries.

We do hope to be able to organize soon events in person, to nurture the bonds and friendship which characterize our global network. Meanwhile, as webinars proved to be extremely effective to support the GIs cause internationally, in September we will publish the program of our next virtual events.