On 17 December, from 09.00 – 10.30 (CET, Geneva) / 16.00 – 17.30 (CST), oriGIn and the Anti-infringement and Anti-counterfeiting Innovation Strategic Alliance (CAASA), organized the online event “Geographical Indications and Online Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities”.
The event will focused on the challenges and opportunities of e-commerce from the perspectives of GI groups, online marketplaces and enforcement authorities (the full program is available here).
Speakers’ presentations:
- GIs in Online Platforms: Expectations of Italian Wine GIs , Mr. Riccardo Ricci Curbastro, President, Confederazione Nazionale dei Consorzi Volontari per la Tutela delle Denominazioni di Origine Italiane (FEDERDOC)
- Online Market Opportunities for GIs, Mr. Michael Chu, Senior Counsel of Compliance and IP, Pinduoduo
- GI Protection for Online Platforms , Mrs. Nora Zhang, Deputy Director of Brand Protection, Security Investigation Department, JD.com
- GI Protection in Online Platforms: The Perspective of Public Authorities, Mr. Emilio Gatto, Director General, ICQRF Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Italy