10-11/10/2024-Save The Date: The 2024 oriGIn expert meeting will take place in Geneva on 10-11 October

Following the positive feed-back received from the international GI community with respect to the “Thematic informal GI sessions”  , held in Geneva during our 2023 Biennial Meeting, we have decided to make it an annual oriGIn event.

The 2024 oriGIn expert meeting will take place in our office – 2 chemin du Pavillon, 1218, Le Grand Saconnex – Geneva, on 10-11 October. As our 2024 GI trends Panel  focused on legal costs and damages for groups deriving from GI infringements, this year’s meeting will address the latest global developments, challenges and strategies for effective GI protection and enforcement. As of 2025, while legal issues will remain part of the agenda, we intend to enlarge the meeting to other topics of interest for GIs, such as groups, controls, promotion and sustainability.    

Proposed topics for discussion on 10-11 October in Geneva:

i. “Evocation” beyond the EU (latest case law in the EU and beyond);

ii. Protection of GIs when used as ingredients (latest legislative and case law developments, including with respect to trademark applications containing a GI used as an ingredient in a derived product);

iii. Global challenges in trademark applications in conflict with GIs for non-comparable products (including services);

iv. Best practices in establishing consumers’ surveys in the framework of GI protection & enforcement cases;     

v. Latest challenges in protecting GIs online (Internet market places and domain names);  

vi. Collective GI organizations and competition law (cases concerning management of production volumes, sustainability, controls, promotion, …);  

vii. Disputes related to GI registrations (including craft GIs) and changes in product’s specifications;

viii. The Lisbon System: Case law and issues related to the implementation of the Geneva Act.

Stay tuned, more information will follow soon on the modalities of participation and possibility to make presentations.

Kind regards,

The oriGIn team


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