06/10/2023-International Conference on GIs

The International Conference on GIs took place on 6 October in the framework of the oriGIn 2023 Biennial Meeting. 

Below, you will find the program, including the speakers’ presentations available.

Panel discussion on five crucial GI-related topics which will shape the future of the sector. 

Moderator: Mr. Massimo Vittori, Managing Director, oriGIn.


  • The EU GI review, Mr. Paolo De Castro, Member of the European Parliament.
  • The expansion of WIPO Geneva Act: Perspectives and challenges, H.E. Mr. Pedro Bravo Carranza, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative of Peru to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva.
  • Trade policies and intellectual property: Risks and opportunities for GIs, Mr. John Clarke, former Director of International Relations, Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission.

Topics of parallel sessions – Round 1:

  • An update on the EU GI review, coordinated by Ms. Amandine Legros, EU Representative, oriGIn and Mr. Federico Moncunil Gallo, Secretary General, Origen España with a presentation by Mr. Francisco Javier Maté Caballero, Deputy Director General of Food Quality Control and Agri-Food Laboratories at the Ministry of Agriculture, Spain.

Topics parallel sessions – Round 2:

  • The implementation of the Geneva Act: a practical perspective, coordinated by Ms. Alexandra Grazioli, Director, Lisbon Registry, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Mr. Erik Thevenod-Mottet, Legal Counsel, Swiss Federal Intellectual Property Institute (IPI).
  • Trade, health and IP: Geneva as capital of GI global governance, coordinated by Ms. Daniela Giglio, Legal and Institutional Affairs Department, AssoDistil and Mr. Cormac Healy, Director, Drinks Ireland.


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